Saturday, November 3, 2012

James Bond

warning: some spoiler

2 stars out of 5

Good actors. Sexy Daniel Craig.
Good settings. London, Istanbul, and Shanghai.
Good effects. Except maybe some.
Great Adele official soundtrack, Skyfall. Which was heavily used to draw attention to the movie's trailer.

Lacks in action and suspense.
It's just that I was expecting so much more especially in the action and suspense department.
Simple and short story. Not really a negative one there. It seems this would have a continuation.

It was an awkward scene.

[Villain Silva touches Bond's chests, neck, and legs while Silva was kneeling in front of him, powerless]
Silva: There is always a first time for everything Bond.
Bond: Why would you think this is my first time?
[Silva unchains Bond, turned-off perhaps]
James Bond was gay!? (or more accurately, bi) I am not a James Bond expert so is this the first time Bond is in a gay situation in the 007 films? Is it true Bond has had homosexual experience?

The young Q is qute though.

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